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  • Writer's pictureJaynie Jezebel

Please Be Gentle With Yourselves

Now, I am not saying you shouldn't call yourself out on your own bullshit. Please - make sure you are being real with yourself on a daily basis. Make sure you are asking "Am I the drama" or "Is this actually helping anyone" or "Am I being kind"? I'm also in the camp of making sure you are adding good to the world and being very honest with how you move through it.

But I watch SO many people be the most amazing cheerleader to others while forgetting about themselves. We harp on ourselves about not doing enough, forgetting that our society is built on valuing people by their productivity. We go to school to be taught how to be good little complacent workers and not question the powers that be. But we forget that we are not hive insects. That we have dreams and values and stories to tell. THOSE are valuable. Not what you can do for others, or how much you can break yourself and bury who yourself in tasks.

Take some time and think about how far you've come. Was there a time when you wished to be where you are now? Take time to tell praise yourself for a job well done. It's more than ok to keep moving the bar further along, but make sure you are talking to yourself like you would a good friend. Those thoughts in your head berating yourself aren't healthy. Instead, try being funny about it. Catch yourself having arguments in your own head and laugh about it. Drop a salad on the floor? Laugh at yourself and play cartoon music in your head while you clean it up. Our lives are short, and we can't spend the whole time yelling at ourselves. Kindness is important, and that includes you! I love you, now go love yourself!

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